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Our Toddler program are for ages 2 to 3 years.  In the toddler classroom the children start to build a foundation for independence.  The children are encouraged to do things for themselves so it helps create self confidence.  They are working on the skills to get them ready for preschool.  We encourage them to start the potty training process so by the time they are ready to be in the preschool they have the skills needed to use the bathroom with little assistance.  In the toddler room we follow the Montessori philosophy of following the child and focus more on the process than the product.  


"The child passes little by little from the unconscious to the conscious, treading always in the paths of joy and love."

- Maria Montessori




The Practical Life area is essential for a strong Montessori educational foundation.  In this area a child is learning control of movement (fine motor skills), concentration span, self-confidence, and a love of learning.  The activities in Practical Life are made up of familiar objects that a child would naturally see in everyday life.  The activities are designed and chosen so the children feel comfortable and will be able to master the activity.  The activities that are chosen fall into four main categories:  care of self, control of movement, care of the environment, and grace and courtesy.  The overall idea of these activities is not only to help children gain self-confidence in their working abilities, but to expose the children to fundamental activities that will build their concentration span and work with activities they will encounter through adulthood.



The Sensorial area of the classroom helps children become more aware of smaller details that are often overlooked.  Each sensorial activity focuses on one important quality such as color, weight, shape, size, texture, sound or smell.  Sensorial activities develop the senses of perception and discrimination of exploring and noticing small differences in patterns as well as fine motor function development in the hands.  The sensorial area builds the child's concentration for a wider awakening of the senses and perception for distinguishing different qualities and patterns.



The Language area of the Montessori classroom encourages development of early-literacy skills through the use of phonetic sounds.  In the Language area children are exposed to various types of phonetic awareness activities to build a strong literary foundation.  The toddler Montessori Language activities are designed to imporve a child's vocabulary, listening skills for common sounds, and differentiating between objects and pictures.  Language activities include eye spy for recognizing sounds, learning the shapes and sounds of letters, pre-writing activities, vocabulary development, and matching pictures with objects.



The Math area of the Montessori classroom encompasses the use of concrete materials for the recognition of numbers and the recognition of quantity as well.  Through these activities children learn exactly how much a symbolic number stands for (i.e. the number 5 means counting the correct number of objects to make the number 5).  Often times a child will complete a mathematical activity a few times until he feels ready to attempt a concept that is more difficult.






Grace & Courtesy




Music & Movement


Outdoor Exploration


9000 Ridgetop Blvd Silverdale WA United States 98383

(360) 286-2217

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